Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Benedict XVI

Something about him just makes you smile. It has been such a great time to be Catholic and see the attention of the world (good & bad) focused on your faith. I am thrilled at the election of Benedict XVI or "PapaRatzi" as I've heard some Italians refer to him. We can now begin our prayer for the Pope again, and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. I look forward to the years ahead with him as our earthly shepherd. Thank you Holy Spirit for your continued guidance.

Friday, April 08, 2005

"John Paul II...We Love You!"

Well, after writhing drafts and editing to try to pay the perfect posting to commemorate John Paul II, I find that it never makes the point I want to empress. All I can say is "John Paul II....We Love You!"
I have eight children thanks to his explanations of church teaching on Marriage and Family. I Can't be certain that I would have chosen this life without JP II, but I think it's close to certain. I have seen a similar impact these teachings have had on other families.
I know if John Paul II could answer us he would tell us, "Perhaps....I Love You More!"

Thank You!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I'm Back

Well I hope I am back for good. I have to learn to make some time for blogging. I'll be posting a letter in the next day or two thanking John Paul II for the impact he has had on my life.