We Need Churchill to Stay!
Why? You might say. "Ward Churchill does not deserve to be employed at a public institution in Colorado." I would agree with that. But we need him.
For every Ward Churchill we know about there are 100 other professors who would agree with him. The reason we don't know about the other 100 is because they know not to let their opinions leave the campus. If parents knew more about the views that the academics want to pass on to their children we might have 1/4 less students in Universities. Ward Churchill is like an evil version of the City shining on a hill. He is easy to recognize. He makes us aware in a small way what goes on in academia.
If he were to be fired he would become a martyr for all those who say "I disagree with him BUT, he has the right to say whatever he wants." The left in this country quietly love him but also want him to be quiet because he brings to much attention to their agenda. The secular world only recognizes evil when it hits them in the face. We need to be slapped a little more until we wake up. This is only one slap. Let him keep swinging.
Is Churchill an academic or an ideologue? It's becomming increasingly clear that he is not an academic (no PhD, accusations of plagarism etc.) A university professor teaches students. Today's students deserve the truth not ideology especially, not an ideology of hatred. Your post hints at "freedom of speech." This is not the issue at stake that his supporters want it to be. It's ironic that his supporters seem to want to silence any criticism of Churchill in the name of "freedom of speech." Why in today's culture does labeling something "art" or "scholarship" put it above criticism?
What r u smokin'? Join the resistance instead....
Amen. I hate the guy, but I don't think he's what poeple think he is. He should symbolically stay.
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